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5 of the Best Halloween Security Tips
5 of the Best Halloween Security Tips
The evenings are darker, there is a nip in the air and the sun seems to have disappeared completely. It can only mean that it’s autumn! With the countdown to Christmas now on, we have both Halloween and bonfire night to look forward too.
Halloween in the UK is becoming more popular and although there is little harm intended by most trick or treaters, it is a time of year when people with less-than-good-intentions could try to take advantage.
But with our Halloween security tips, your home will remain safe and secure, no matter who knocks at the door.
#1 Decide on a time to lock your doors
Most trick or treaters will be escorted by parents or other adults and will, for their own reasons, try to complete the rounds of neighbouring properties by 8 or 9 pm at the latest.
As the homeowner, you are in control of your own property and that means you decide when to lock your exterior doors and when you decide it is too late to answer the door to trick or treaters.
As well as keeping your doors locked, you may want to add a friendly note to your door welcome trick or treaters before a certain time but kindly ask them not to knock after this time has passed.
#2 Keep lights on
It’s tempting to sit in the dark hoping people will take the hint and not knock at the door! In fact, when it comes to security the more lights you have on, the better. Make sure exterior security lights work and that your CCTV tv or smart doorbell is in good working order too.
If you plan on doing your own trick or treat rounds with your children, leave the lights on when you are out. This way, passing people will think you are home and can be a deterrent to burglars and thieves.
#3 Lock the shed, garage and other outbuildings
Halloween is the one time of year that people can walk on to your property all in the name of trick or treat. And that means a thief with an eye for taking what is not theirs will see an unlocked or open shed or garage door as an invitation to take a look round. Lock them to stop this from happening.
#4 Consider motion sensor lighting
Not just for Halloween but perfect at all times of year motion sensor lighting is ideal for keeping dark areas of your property lit when someone enters them. Convenient for you to light your way too, they are an unwelcome surprise for someone up to no good as they literally throw light on them!
#5 Go with your gut
Intuition is a strong emotion and yet too many of us ignore it. If you have a hunch something isn’t right or someone’s behaviour is causing you concern, call the police. Not all teenagers are bad and not all groups of young people are a gang but if there is something nagging at you that their behaviour is not right, act. The same is true for any adults you see hanging around who you unfamiliar to you. Even if you don’t speak to all your neighbours, you’ll know them by sight and someone unfamiliar will stand out.
And finally…
Watch the flickering candle flames in your pumpkins! Where there is a naked flame there is a fire risk so make sure you always have candles in your sight and that you extinguish them at the end of the night!