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Working in Security
Working in the Security Industry
Interesting, challenging and frequently encountering the unexpected – there can be no doubt that working as a security officer is definitely exciting. No two days are ever the same.
The Security Role
Security staff are needed for all types of situations. Securing premises and safeguarding participants at events and conferences, providing door supervision, and guarding premises overnight are just some of the many roles requiring security staff. Above all, security staff have the ultimate responsibility for protecting people and property, ensuring no one comes to harm.
Teamwork is essential, as is a wiliness to take the initiative when necessary. Patience, observation skills and an ability to make decisions rapidly are equally essential, as are skills like curiosity and being able to identify suspicious behaviour. They need to be well trained, and physically strong since it may be necessary to detain people, chase them or take action to protect others. Strong people skills are absolutely crucial as officers need to be able to communicate effectively, and calm potentially dangerous situations.
Security Guards Entry Requirements
There is a minimum age limit. Every security officer must be aged 18 or over, and able to pass identity and criminal record checks. A valid Security Industry Åuthority licence is required as this confirms that you are a ‘fit and proper person’ to fulfil security roles.
Even if you have a criminal record, there is still a possibility that you can
work as a security officer. To do this, the SIA will consider:
• To what extent the offences are relevant to work in the security industry
• The type of sentence you were given
• When the offence occurred.
A check on the SIA’s free Criminal Record Indicator will provide an indication as to whether it will affect your SIA ranking.
Possessing a driving licence is very desirable and can provide a wider range of work opportunities.
Types of security work
Among the many roles that may involve security officers are:
Manned guarding of people and premises
Cash and Valuables in Transit
Close Protection (usually of one or two people)
Airport security (this can be very varied including searching aircraft, passengers, luggage and securing the airport boundaries and buildings)
Door supervision especially in licensed premises
Event security (providing all types of security including premises, boundaries, people)
How do you sign up for security work?
Easy, you can register with Envisage Security by emailing and they will send you an application form to complete, simple!